Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jun. 2014
Taste is one of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch Through taste we detect the flavors of beverages and food that we ingest. The main organ of taste is the language, an organ that has taste buds that perceive the qualities of food.
Throughout a day we use our sense of taste at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and anytime we are eating. Eating is a necessity and at the same time a pleasure. And pleasure is experienced the moment we taste food in our mouth.
Tasting is the act of tasting a product (it can be a meal or a drink). Usually the tasting refers to select products: wine, ham, liqueurs... However, there are tastings that are not select things: potato omelettes, water or oil.
The tasting can be carried out by an individual who has been invited to an event promoting a product. In it, guests take a small amount of what is being promoted. These are social events, with an obvious advertising component, with media communication and, in short, with a commercial sense. Is a
strategy widespread marketing, because the tasting becomes a very participatory event. Whoever tries a product, comments on its characteristics and there are various evaluations on the quality of the same.The tasting has another possible approach. Not as an advertising mechanism, but as a technical assessment by a specialist. There are people who have special characteristics to value the qualities of certain foods. To evaluate the uniqueness of a wine it is necessary to carry out a tasting, a test. The taster tastes the wine, observes it, smells it and, finally, expresses his opinion as an expert. He is conducting a tasting but with a different purpose than usual. The objective of this type of tasting is to know in depth the wine that is being drunk. The winemaker is the wine specialist. He is a professional of the tasting.
Another of the social contexts in which food is tasted is in wedding preparations. The bride and groom have to agree on a menu with him restaurant where they are getting married. For this they have to carry out several tests. Each test is a tasting menu, a meal where the final menu is analyzed and studied.
Tasting Topics