Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2015
DACA is an acronym in English. Specifically, an immigration program of the administration of the United States and whose full name is Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which can be translated as deferred action for those arriving in the childhood. Its purpose is to reintegrate those people who entered the country illegally when they were kids.
This is a voluntary program, so it is not mandatory for people who can join DACA to enroll in it. This is not a new law but of a strategy government to postpone the legal action to deport any person who is in an illegal situation as an immigrant and without the pertinent work permits. This program has been designed for those individuals who came to the US as children and whose authorization to reside in the country (known as Visa) has already been issued, that is, it has expired. This means that people who can register for DACA are in an irregular situation and the program offers them an opportunity to regularize their situation.
The advantage that DACA offers to people who sign up for it is that it allows them to work within the legality of the American employment system. In other words, the record in DACA it authorizes them to carry out the necessary procedures to access a job within the framework of the law.
Some features of the program
DACA is limited to certain cases and circumstances and the following are the requirements that must be met:
- It is necessary to have arrived in the United States before reaching the age of 16 and not to be more than 30 years old on a specific date (exactly June 15, 2012).
- It is mandatory to have resided in the US continuously for a period of more than 5 years and prior to the date indicated above.
-The individual who avails himself of DACA must have entered the country outside of the immigration inspection or his legal status as an immigrant must have expired before June 15, 2012.
- In addition to dates and age-related limitations, immigrants who register for DACA cannot have been convicted of felonies or represent a threat for the safety national.
- As it is a recent program and each particular case has its own characteristics, it is advisable that the Immigrants who believe it is in their best interest to register for the DACA program consult an attorney who specializes in immigration.
Photos: iStock - EOPITZ / Dmitry Berkut
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