Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
The devotion is that inclination, love and absolute and special fidelity that a person shows towards another or something.
Inclination and unconditional love that someone professes for another or something
That is, devotion would be something like absolute surrender to a experience, to a question that arouses a lot of interest or towards someone like being a king, a god, a saint, an activity such as the painting, among other alternatives, although, normally, devotion is surrounded by a character mystical and religious and by case the use of the concept is especially associated with religion, with the devotion that the faithful of a belief religious manifest regarding their god or gods and the rest of the main characters and that they enjoy veneration and appreciation.
Greek origin of the term and special association with religion
Devotion is a concept that comes from the Greek culture, where it was understood as a form of practical piety that was intended solely for parents and It is precisely because of this situation that later it began to be used more assiduously and frequently but directed at a God.
So, as you can see from this little story about the origin and use that in the past and today is given to the term, the word is mainly linked to a religious practice. That unconditional and absolute love towards God or towards any other image or religious person, a saint, the Pope of the Catholic Church, among others, will be understood as devotion.
Meanwhile, in the evangelism devotion will be the study and interpretation of the word of god, of the sacred scriptures.
In the tradition From Christian practice, Christians first pray and then proceed to read the Bible.
Both reading and prayer can be carried out silently or aloud.
It is a custom that is followed in many Christian churches for the faithful to meet once or twice a week for the scriptural devotion, during which they will also take the opportunity to understand their spiritual lives and the environment that surrounds them.
The Catholic Church has a book called Devotional which collects the formulas of the different types of non-liturgical prayers.
The devotee is the one who expresses this feeling of unconditional love
Meanwhile, when someone expresses devotion to any of the aforementioned issues, he will be called a devotee.
A person will be confirmed as devout when he is characterized by giving his faith, his confidence, his loyalty to another individual, that is, to a couple, to a god, to an image, to an idea, to a feeling, although, we must say that there is a special link to religion; the devotee will generally manifest devotion to a figure belonging to the religion he professes.
You can be a devotee of a religious practice, such as attending Mass every Sunday; of a saint like Santa María; you can also be a devotee of a ideologypolitics, a social cause, an activity or an artist, among others.
Ways to manifest devotion
Devotees, who feel devotion to something or someone, always have an urgent need to manifest that devotion, to bring it out, in whatever way. As long as and depending on the object of devotion, the practices to manifest it can be very diverse.
Let us think of a Christian believer who feels devotion to the Virgin of Luján, he will surely manifest it by going to her sanctuary I quote from her in the Buenos Aires town of Luján, in the Argentine Republic. There he will pray to you, offer you a floral offering, among other alternatives.
On the other hand, whoever is devoted to a musical artist, will demonstrate it by buying all of his albums, attending all the recitals of him, following him wherever he goes, and surely also wearing a T-shirt with his picture of him.
The devotee always shows unconditional love for the object of his devotion and does not usually pay attention to costs or sacrifices when having to express his love to him.
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