Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2009
Through the term division, it may be referring to various issues that arise in different contexts. At the behest of mathematics, division is together with subtraction, addition and multiplication one of the best known and most used mathematical operations., regardless of whether or not they are mathematicians and that since it is a purely decomposition operation, It will consist of finding out how many times a number, which will be called a divisor, will be contained in another number, called a dividend. The whole result of the division is called the quotient and in the case of a non-exact division, the operation will have a remainder or remainder.
The division, as we mentioned well, is considered one of the most elementary operations of the arithmetic, is the inverse of multiplication and some see and consider it as repeated subtraction.
On the other hand, for biology, division is a category taxonomic that is located between the Kingdom and the Class and that is used generally to subdivide the Vegetal kingdom and to the Kingdom of mushrooms
. Among the main divisions in which a plant is divided we find the following: mosses, ferns, tails of horse, cycads, Ginkgo, conifers, Gnetophytes and angiosperms.Also, the term division is applied and used a lot in the field of genetics, in what is called division mobilewhich is that part of the cell cycle in which an initial cell, called a mother cell, will divide in two to form two daughter cells. One of the main functions and rationale for cell division is the growth of cells. organisms multicellular with tissue growth and reproduction vegetative in unicellular beings.
On the other hand, in another of the contexts in which the word division is also used regularly is in the military. There, it is called division, the military unit made up of a group of brigades or regiments, among which there are approximately between 10,000 and 20,000 men, plus artillery and special units. The division is the largest unit that can be found within an army and is led by the general of division who is the highest ranking officer within the division, with the exception, of course, of the commander-in-chief of each army.
Also, in large companies, we can find a division, that is, a division in a company is a part of this, often independent of other divisions and usually occupying a hierarchical position within the business.
And finally, in the world of sport, we can also find that the term division is of recurrent use, since In this way, each of the groups in which the teams or teams compete will be named. athletes.
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