Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2009
Generally speaking, the word fraud refers to deception or fraud that an individual suffers.
While, It will be in the field of Right in which the term has a special presence and use, because in that way the Manifest will of someone to carry out a crime or behavior that is plausible to be punished for violating the law. legislation current.
The idol, is found composed of two pieces, a cognitive, which implies that there is knowledge that a conduct reprehensible and reprehensible; and another piece of type volitional, which consists of the will that someone has to carry out at the same.
In the case of cognitive, develops within the conscious interior of the individual, while, by knowing the environment and himself, he knows when he will generate some type of deviant behavior that will imply a violation to the established order. And the volitional will unfold at the behest of the individual's wishes, which will be motivated by receiving the signals of different human needs, in other words, willing or not to perform an act is in this space.
Meanwhile, when both pieces are connected, what is known as intention will originate, which may imply a transforming spirit or, failing that, injury.
The Law has typified various kinds of idols ...Direct fraud of the first degree (when the action that is deployed achieves the purpose that was proposed. Juan shoots Alberto because he wants to kill him and finally kills him), Direct fraud of the second degree (In this case, the action that is carried out produces an unintended result, but it is inevitably connected to the purpose that was had when deploying the action in question. If Juan burns down his neighbor's house to kill him, but this situation inevitably ends for destroying the house of this, the destruction of it in the right is considered fraud of the second grade), Idol of danger(The individual manages, seeks to jeopardize certain legal assets but does not want to reach the point of damaging them).
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