Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2016
Certain plants receive different names and this is what happens with aloe or aloe, more popularly known as aloe vera. As for its name, it comes from the Arabic word "sabaira" which means bitter.
Plant characteristics
Aloe Vera is an evergreen plant typical of hot climates, it is easy to care for and can be had both outdoors and indoors. In the male sabilas the leaves are smaller than those of the females. It is a plant that usually has a low price and is available in most nurseries. To take care of it, you must give it the sun directly or indirectly and the watering should be done only every 15 days.
Aloe Vera is well known for its healing properties, which are based on its active components, mainly the glutamine acid and ascorbic acid from its leaf, essential oils and minerals such as magnesium, calcium and potassium.
Healing properties and other functions
This plant acts against bacteria and, therefore, it is useful to treat problems with fungi. On the other hand, it has anti-inflammatory and healing properties. From this plant the gel from the leaves is used for
elaboration of perfumery and cosmetic items, such as soaps, lotions, beauty creams for the skin or shampoo to prevent hair loss or dandruff. It is also used to treat acne, insect bites, to combat stretch marks or superficial burns.In addition to its external use, it is also possible to use it as an infusion for the treatment of heartburn. stomach, flatulence problems, to calm colic or gastritis. Aloe Vera is considered a revitalizing plant and in this sense it contributes Energy and helps the apparatus locomotive, endocrine system, circulatory system and to Central Nervous System. When it comes to mild vaginal infections, aloe is also very beneficial.
From a cultural point of view, aloe is used as a symbol of good luck in some countries and for this reason it is common to give one of these plants when someone moves home.
According to some studies, aloe vera absorbs negative radiation from household appliances that are used in the home.
There are references to aloe in the civilization Egyptian, as it symbolized immortality and was already used for its medicinal properties among Egyptian doctors.
Photos: Fotolia - BillionPhotos / Africa Studio
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