Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Apr. 2012
The word unique is the one that we generally use the most to designate that which turns out to be one and only, either in its kind or in a category determined.
That which is only one in a species, in its category, or in a category
So, this use of the word unique is used to refer that there is a single copy of something or someone, a situation that will imply that it is not possible to find something similar, simile, impossible to have a copy, and this also makes it unique.
Meanwhile, if we run into something similar, surely it is a replica inspired by the original. “This German wall clock is unique in its designYou can search and search, but you will never find another like it. Laura is the only student in her class who finished her homework when the teacher demanded it..”
That extraordinary, out of the ordinary
But there is also another extremely common use of the word unique and that is the one that allows naming that which stands out because of its exceptionality and because it exceeds the limits of the ordinary and usual.
It is worth noting that this sense of the term is mostly used with a positive intention, that is, what that someone qualifies as unique is because he efficiently stands out from the rest of the possibilities that accompany. “Madonna's latest album is unique, it has a truly extraordinary sound and also her compositions mark a change and a radical advance with respect to her previous proposals..”
What is classified as unique is because after its observation and detailed analysis it is concluded that it does not conform to the established order, the rule, or the average, it is out of the ordinary wherever you look at it.
For example, it is that the only thing will always catch our attention, it will awaken us astonishment, and of course, the curiosity to know it in depth.
Also to portray it, or to register it through some medium so that it can be saved and remembered whenever you want.
Mobile devices and new technologies that record audio images are widely used in this regard.
This sense of the term can be applied in different areas and so we can talk about unique people, unique objects and things, unique events, unique situations, among others.
People who are conceived as unique is because they have characteristics and a profile that cannot be found comparison or a simile with another.
Regarding the objects, we must say that the great advance that has taken place in the design of these has surpassed everything and thus it is possible that we find objects that do not have a similarity with others.
This situation generates that people demand them especially, for that originality that they present.
On the other hand, within the framework of antiques you can find furniture and objects that are also identified as unique because basically they can no longer be replicated in their materials and quality of design.
This is one of the reasons why antiques have a special appreciation and originality that makes them the desire of most people who love them.
And there are also situations or events that are unique because they do not happen again, especially because circumstances that surround them, or the people who star in them will not meet again to produce them as which.
The uniqueness is the term that designates the quality of unique and it is a concept that is very present in different fields of study such as philosophy, mathematics, theology, biology, among others.
When one speaks of something unique it will imply that it is one, that is why the term also refers to the number one (1).
Number one is the first of the natural numbers, which precedes zero and precedes number two (2).
Use in computer science and anime
For its part, at the request of the computing, the unique visitor will be that user of Internet that you visit a website and that it will be counted as unique, even having visited the website in question on several occasions.
And in the field of anime, unique is the name of a popular manga (anime) that was created by Osamu Tezuka in the mid-1970s. Unique is a baby unicorn who has red hair and whose main mission is to fulfill people's wishes and make them happy.
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