Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2014
The word Salt is the most popular and widespread denomination in our language with which the sodium chloride, a chemical compound whose chemical formulation is NaCi (sodium-chlorine). Salt is characterized by being soluble in Water, for its acrid, spicy taste, for its white color and appearance crystalline.
There are four types of you go out: sea salt and spring salt that both are obtained by evaporation of seawater; rock salt, which results from the extraction mining of a rock known as halite; Y vegetable salt which is achieved through concentration, boiling a grass plant.
Meanwhile, its main use is as food seasoning and food, because it attributes to these one of the basic and most required flavors, which is the salty. The taste buds, as we call the sensory receptors that we humans have in our language and that they are responsible for making us feel and recognize tastes, they are precisely what allow us to perceive the salty flavor that so many like so much. The papillae are found on both sides of the front of the tongue.
Undoubtedly, the presence or absence of salt will contribute when it comes to attracting or distancing ourselves from certain foods, although, for the most part, it will bring us closer to them, because of how tasty it makes them.
It should be noted that it is used both as a condiment for food and meals as a preservative, in the salting of fish, meat and vegetables.
Now, also, since the nineteenth century, salt, participates in the production from various industries such as: cosmetics, paper, chemicals, among others.
Salt has been involved in human life since ancient times, even due to the importance attributed to it hundreds of years ago it knew how to be the reason for wars, an engine of economies and even a currency of exchange... However, this appreciation today has changed a lot, in beginning, because it was possible to lower the high cost of its production and on the other hand because it is linked to the development of some diseases such as hypertension.
Nowadays it is usual that we are recommended to reduce the consumption of salt and even many foods in their packaging warn of the absence of salt to attract the consumption of those consumers who miss this component.