Definition of Salvia Hispánica (Chia)
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2018
Hispanic sage or chia is a plant with different names depending on its geographical origin. In any case, it is a herbaceous plant of the family Lamiaceae is known all over the planet, but it is grown mainly in South America.
It is an annual plant, measures approximately one meter in height and its flowers appear in the summer months. Its seed is similar to that of coffee and has an oval shape. It has been grown in mountainous areas for thousands of years and adapts well to soils that are not too wet and well drained.
A highly valued plant in the naturopathy sector
Although there are diverse species with unique properties, all of them have medicinal properties. His consumption helps to treat cardiovascular diseases and also serves as a dietary supplement to lose weight or to reduce blood cholesterol levels.
In Mexico its seeds are used to produce mucilage, a gelatinous liquid that is consumed as a refreshing drink. The ancient Aztecs used chia as a natural remedy to combat all kinds of ailments: problems with
memory, allergies, pain, depression or heavy digestion.On the other hand, this plant was also used to honor the gods and its oil was used to polish ceramic pieces.
Hispanic sage has no component toxic and there are no known possible side effects. In some Central American countries, fresh chia water mixed with lemon and sugar is very popular.
Mexico, especially the state of Jalisco, is the largest producer of Hispanic sage. Its seeds are sold all over the world and in recent years have become a highly appreciated ingredient for fans of natural medicine and feeding organic.
An interesting nutritional supplement
From the point of view of the nutrition, Hispanic sage has very remarkable properties: it is rich in omega-three fatty acids, it has high levels of fiber and a high content of protein. Nutrition experts advise its consumption in the form of seeds, but in an amount that does not exceed 20 grams.
Its consumption is recommended to get more Energy, control appetite, improve the immune system and improve brain activity.
Forms of consumption
It can be taken in gel form by leaving the seeds in boiled water for half an hour. It is possible to mix chia with various products, such as juices, yogurt or milk. It is also used as a complement in salads, sauces or vegetable creams.
Also, it can be ingested whole, crushing the seed, or in the form of oil. If the oil is extracted it is used as flour to prepare some food.
Photo: Fotolia - Arinahabich
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