Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2013
The word seductive is the most used in our language when it comes to wanting to account for that individual from gender masculine that stands out above the rest for the attraction and the fascination that it provokes before the opposite sex in its path and also for the seduction that it displays in its ways.
It should be noted that the word is not only applied to those attractive men who seduce the women with whom they interact, but it is also possible to use it based on situations or things when they captivate or attract people due to certain characteristics.
Now, it is worth pointing out that mostly the use of the word has a connotation sexual in nature.
The seducer is found in real life of course, but we also find it with recurrence in fictional characters, in literary works, in TV shows, in movies, among others contents. Meanwhile, it turns out to be very easy to recognize by the characteristics and particular signs that are always repeated in this profile
how to be: safety personal beauty physical and for the face, the use of attractive perfumes and clothing that stand out, among the most recurrent.The security that the seducer always displays is the characteristic that allows him to never surrender to a no, that is, when he does not appear he will try again until he achieves the desired if on the part of the person who constitutes his interest.
Although the word has a positive aspect as we have just indicated lines above, there is also a negative side, since it is common for many seducers, due to that desire for seduction and conquest that dominates them, they are constantly seducing whoever comes before them and this, obviously, can make them look like deceivers or liars.
The word that opposes the concept of seducer is that of disgusting, which, contrary to the fascination and attraction produced by the seducer, will provoke disgust.
The history of the humanity it has been plagued, and continues to be, with individuals who stand out for their seduction. Among the famous of yesterday and today we find with the Author and Italian diplomat Giacomo Casanova and with American actor Brad Pitt, respectively.
Themes in Seductor