Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
The concept of the century is a concept abstract used to point out the continuity and succession of one hundred years from number 0 to 100. Such temporal division is a mere creation of the man who sought through it and others such as the hour, the day, the year or the millennium, to organize the temporal happening and allow develop better a study of the human past and present.
The century is one of the longest temporal measurements used by man, spanning a hundred years and indicating approximately a little more than the total life of an ordinary human being (reaching this in average to live 80 years). The century as a specific measure begins on January 1 to end on December 31 according to the Gregorian structure. Since the first year of the first century of our era was year 1 and the last year was 100, since then it is important understand that each century begins with ordinal year number 1 (101, 201, 1901 or 2001 among others).
We can take as proof of the artificiality of the structure of centuries from the fact that for a long time the human being did not live to through such numerical ordering, especially before our era when the temporal structures were still not entirely clear and specific. Of course, in addition, many non-Western cultures did not apply the division into centuries if not that they took other temporal divisions that were lost with time and are today more than anything a element
traditional.The century is also the intermediate period between other smaller ones such as the year, decade (ten years) or five years (fifteen years) and the millennium (spanning one thousand years altogether). The centuries are essential elements for the historical study since they allow an accessible division of years from the beginning of the story until the present.
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