Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2010
Install seeds in the ground so that they bear fruit
The term sowing refers to the action and result of sowing, which is nothing other than placing and scattering seeds in the land that is prepared for this purpose.. On the other hand, the word is also used to account for the time in which it is sown and in another order of things to refer to the land actually sown.
At the behest of the farming and more formally it is said that sowing consists of the planting seeds and once these have germinated the plants will develop. For a planting to produce its fruits, that is, to be effective, it will be essential to count and use seeds that are of excellent qualityIt must mainly be healthy seeds that are free of any type of contaminant that may affect the results.
Preparing the seeds for good results
In the case of some seeds, before proceeding to sowing it will be necessary to carry out a previous preparation, which may be: scarification, stratification and wetting, or washing the seeds with cold or lukewarm water.
The wetting, for example, is done between 24 and 48 hours in warm water, while washing is usually very common in the case of fruits. In the seeds of tropical fruits, the most usual thing is washing with warm water in order to exterminate the microorganisms that proliferate in this type of seeds.
Planting types
We can find two types of sowing. The open field call and that consists of preparing the ground only and then allowing nature to act. And on the other hand there is the sowing by hand that implies the launch of seeds in the field to be sown. This launch must be homogeneous and can be done on flat lands, in raised furrows, or in the so-called wide beds.
Pasteurization and sterilization, keys to free from diseases
It is also very important to obtain good results that the soil on which the seeds will be spread is is free from disease, the two most convenient processes in this regard are pasteurization and sterilization.
Pasteurization is a term type process that has the mission of reducing the presence of pathogens such as molds, bacteria, yeasts. It is named for its inventor, the French chemist Louis Pasteur. It is about altering the physical structure, components and properties as little as possible. After being made, the products must be cooled immediately and sealed.
And for its part, sterilization is a process that allows obtaining products free of microorganisms. However, this process is required to be standardized to ensure the elimination of microbes. The methodology thermal is the most used.
Among the crops planted, the following stand out: Wheat oats, corn and soy, among others.
The seeds have a great relevance in the feeding of human beings and this of course is evidenced in the human work of sowing, harvesting, drying, storing and distributing them, among other phases.
Behaviors and actions of the present that will have a positive or negative effect in the future
In a figurative sense, the word sowing is associated with those actions that presently manifest a person and that will have concrete consequences in the future, which is popularly known as you will reap your sowing; If a person performs mostly positive actions, that is, sows positive things, then he will be rewarded according to this, but, if, on the contrary, the sowing is of negative things, the effects will coincide with this and will be harmful to the person.
This situation is easy to appreciate in those people who have dedicated their lives to helping others, later or earlier, they will receive a refund for that action they have had and then they will be helped when demand. Meanwhile, those people who all do is sow hatred around them, most likely, they will be left alone.
What you do in this life, how you behave around you, will always have an effect, which may be positive or negative, but it is always closely related to how you acted.