Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Mar. 2009
The term being is generally used to refer to those things that were created and that are endowed with life, human beings and creatures. Animals are considered beings, because when we talk about being we immediately know that we are talking about something that is, that has life and existence own.
Likewise, the term being refers us to the essence and to the nature that that being holds, for example, the being of any animal will be subsistence on the one hand and reproduction for the other.
Meanwhile, the being has a special presence in a philosophical context and therefore, within the philosophy, has been through the centuries a question widely debated and addressed by most philosophers and thinkers of all time and of course it has also been subject to a diversity of approaches.
Traditionally and as we mentioned at the beginning of this review, the term being has been conceived as a synonym of entity or entity, that is, the same as saying a thing that has existence and autonomy
. But if we delve into the thought From those great philosophers like Aristotle or Plato, we find certain and serious contradictions regarding the concept of being.Because for Plato, for example, being is the idea, however, for Parmenides being is what there is or exists, that which is opposed to nothingness and for Aristotle, who expanded a little more what Parmenides proposed, taking up a little the sense that he gave to the term, being is the most intimate of everything that is or exists, because according to him not everything is the same mode.
From these philosophical contradictions emerged two conceptions, of course dissimilar, on the term.
On the one hand the conception univocal of being which holds that being is the most general characteristic of different things, that is, they are eliminated all the particular considerations, remaining and importing the fact that they are, that corresponds to them to be.
And on the other hand, the analogical conception of being, maintains that being is that which can be attributed to everything that is but in different ways, being is that in which the different objects and things are distinguished but also coincide. For this, the opposite of the concept of being will be nothing.
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