Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jan. 2011
Sincere is a qualifying adjective that is used in the language common for make reference to a person who is driven through the sincerity contrary to falsehood. The sincere person or the sincere individual is one who tells the truth, who does not resort to lies and who recognizes his feelings and / or thoughts instead of hiding them and adapting them to the type of people around you. The concept of sincere or sincerity is generally very well seen next to other terms that have a meaning similar but that can be understood as too extreme when it comes to telling the truth, a situation that can sometimes generate conflicts between two or more people. The sincere is generally a person who acts well, without bad intentions.
The concept of sincere is normally applied to people. Thus, a person considered sincere is a person who acts and communicates with her peers in a true way, without lying and without telling falsehoods to be liked. The opposite of sincerity is precisely falsehood or
hypocrisy, those attitudes frowned upon socially but which are much more frequent than sincerity because they involve avoiding conflicts or fights with those who should be told what one really thinks. Sincerity often has to watch with telling truths that may annoy another, but always with good intentions or at least with intentions not to be a hypocritical person, lacking in their true feelings or thoughts.Finally, the adjective sincere or sincere can also be applied to other things such as sincere relationships, sincere loves, stories sincere, sincere experiences, for which it is not only applicable to people but also to phenomena or situations in which the truth exists and the confidence.
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