Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2009
According to its use, the term silhouette will refer to various issues. On the one hand, profile or outline that presents a figure is called by the term silhouette.
But on the other hand, too, to the He drew taken by following and strictly respecting the contours of the shape of a object, it is designated by the word silhouette.
Also silhouette It will be the form that the mass of an object darker than the background on which it is projected.
And finally, among the most widespread uses of the term we find the one that refers to the figure or type of a person and that is generally linked to a weight issue, because for example, if a person is under the established standards of weight, or even more, he presents a perfect, harmonic and ideal, it will be said that that person has a slender silhouette, while, on the contrary, whoever does not present a graceful figure, it will be said that he presents a evident lack of silhouette.
Silhouette Themes