Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Ago. 2010
When we speak of synchrony, we are referring to the phenomenon by which two or more elements happen at the same time, in an even and balanced way, simultaneously. The term synchrony comes from the Greek "syn" (which means together or together) and "chronos" (which means time) so it can be understood as something that happens at the same time. Synchrony always tells us about a situation in which two people or two elements act together and in a couple. Synchrony is very common in certain areas or circumstances as we will see below.
The notion of synchrony is especially used in certain situations, circumstances or for certain phenomena in particular. Thus, it is common to use the term synchrony when we speak, for example, of music. This is so as it is important in the field musical that all the instruments that make up a band or an orchestra act synchronously. Otherwise, if they didn't, the sound would probably not be pleasant to the ear. This situation must be present regardless of the type of music that is played.
Synchrony is very important also in other artistic areas such as the dance wave dance, in which case the participating dancers must not only show synchrony between their movements and the music but also they should also do it for the rest of the dancers so that the final show is enjoyable and appropriate.
Finally, we can also talk about synchrony in many aspects that have to watch with science, with nature or empirical questions. Thus, for certain natural, physical or investigation scientific it is important that the condition of synchrony between the different acting parts in such a way that the final result is the one that is supposed and the one that is expected.
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