Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Aug. 2018
Just as Christianity presents differentiated religious doctrines, in the religion Muslim also produces a plurality of interpretations. Thus, there are four families or groups: Sunnis, Shiites, Kharyites and Sufists. The former constitute the majority group, approximately 85% of Muslims.
The word Sunni or Sunni comes from the expression Arabic "Ahl al-Sunna", which literally means "the people of the tradition".
Fundamental principles of Sunnism
Those who follow this current believe in the teachings of the Koran and in the traditions and laws that emanate from the life of Muhammad.
Sunnis are required to abide by the five fundamental laws of Islam. First, the declaration of faith or shahada. Second, I pray five times throughout the day. The pilgrimage to Mecca is proposed, at least once in life. On the other hand, charitable actions should be practiced. Finally, during the Ramadan period, you must practice fasting.
At the time of the death of the Prophet Muhammad in AD 632. C there was no definite criterion on who should rule the Muslim religion. Because of this, Muhammad's closest followers considered that his true successors had to be his in-laws, since they were the ones who had followed the prophet in the origins of the expansion of the Islam. Thus, those who consider that the Muslim religion should be inspired by the first family caliphs of Muhammad are the Sunnis or traditionalists. They receive this name because they are based on the
book of the Sunna, that is, the example of the prophet.In Sunnism there is no border between religion and politics, Since the law Islamic or Sharia is the one that should rule in all spheres of daily life.
Historically the leaders of Sunnism have been controlled by Muslim states. Currently, Saudi Arabia is the country most closely linked to this religious trend. Other predominantly Sunni nations are Yemen, Jordan, Egypt, and Qatar.
The Shiites are a dissident current of Sunism
One of the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali, created his own religious group for him. At present, Shi'ism constitutes approximately 10% of the population Muslim. It is present in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon, Syria or Turkey. For the Shiites the religious leaders of the Muslim religion have to be descendants of the Prophet Muhammad.
The revolution The 1979 Iranian war and the war in Lebanon were inspired by the Shiite side. The complex relations in the Middle East are based on ideological differences between Sunnis and Shiites.
Photo: Fotolia - Ahmad Faizal Yahya
Themes in Sunism