Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jan. 2011
There are two fairly widespread uses for the term submissive.
Docile and obedient person who abides by the authority of another
On the one hand, when someone appears extremely docile and obedient to the orders of another individualWhether it is a superior, in terms of work, or on a personal level, someone who is in a higher stage, such as the father, will be said to be submissive.
“Juan is rather submissive to any of the orders given by his father, while his brother Mario of his is common that he does not respond to them.”
Individual oppressed by another
On the other hand, submissive can also imply something more than the submission that we mentioned and can mean someone surrendered and even subjugated by something or someone.
“ Submissive enemies awaited the homecoming.”
Also, the submissive is often called as submitted, due to the submission to which he is exposed by another who exercises a authority superior over him.
Generally, the submissive is immersed in a relationship that is popularly known as domination-submission.
Fear, among the main causes
Submission assumes that one person is under the authority of another to whom he will owe unconditional obedience.
This state of affairs is usually accepted as a consequence of fear or fear that someone weaker, in character or position, has of another, who is the one who submits it.
When a person is in inferior conditions, either physically, psychically, or in terms of money, many times, Those circumstances are used by unscrupulous people, to their advantage, and thus they can obtain benefits or any other type of resource.
It happens in different contexts: family, political, work ...
Children in relation to their parents, employees in relation to her bosses, a woman in relation to her husband because she does not have a job, a ruler in relation to her people, among other examples.
The politics precisely, it gives us an infinity of cases of submission, especially by the people when they are under the authority of a government dictatorial and totalitarian characteristics.
Let's think back several centuries, in times of the absolute monarchy or absolutism in Europe, the monarchs, were erected in the supreme and absolute authority, whose power emanated directly from God, and then, the rest of the citizens had to pay homage to him, I respect and submission.
No one could limit or oppose the king's decisions, and of course, whoever dared to do so received the corresponding punishments.
The arrival of the French Revolution back in the late eighteenth century, driven by the new ideas of the Enlightenment that promoted a democratic system and division of powers, would change the current state of affairs.
However, the democratic system does not guarantee that a ruler does not subject the people to him, there are currently many examples of apparent democracies whose leaders rule in an authoritarian manner, subjecting and curtailing the rights of their citizens.
Whatever the context, it is a set of behaviors, traditions and practices that focus on consensus relationships, which imply the clear dominance of one individual and the clear submission of another. The contact can be physical, although it is not necessarily reduced to this, that is, domination, submission, can be exercised also even if the individuals are not face to face, such as: by email, telephone, instant messaging, among others alternatives.
When submission / domination is taken to extreme physical cases, it can lead to sadomasochismHere the subject enjoys, feels pleasure when whoever dominates him inflicts physical pain on him.
Submissive Profile
Although there may be exceptions and then there is no such complicity or acceptance of submission.
Generally, the submissive is an individual who presents some very unique and special characteristics: very little capacity when taking positions on an issue, He also tends to show almost no initiative and then, when he finds a pair that does meet all these aforementioned deficiencies, then, he submits to his orders and designs.