Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Feb. 2012
The word Underground supports various uses.
One of the most popular uses of the word, especially in the Republic Argentina, allows you to designate the railway system that operates in large cities and that is built underground, put in simpler words, underground, and that exclusively transports passengers in a massive way from one side of the city in question to the other and also to its closest surroundings.
It should be noted that this type of transport offers a service from different lines that make up a network, in which each line is responsible for joining two distant points of the city and it does so by stopping at various stations, not very distant from each other, and which are arranged at distances normally regular. Likewise, it is common for one or more of the stations on each line to be directly connected to a bus terminal or train with the mission of accelerating the transfer of passengers from the city, where they normally work, to suburban areas in which they live.
The provision of this system is carried out through several units of wagons that circulate which training, electrically and on underground tracks.
Among the main advantages offered by the subway as a means of passenger transport is its enormous capacity in relation to the buses or groups that circulate in the city and not to mention the speedwith which they circulate when they are underground and are not subject to the inconveniences of traffic or stoppage due to stopping of traffic lights.
The Argentina was the first country of Latin America to have its own subway network, in the year 1913Meanwhile, many of the wagons dating from that time continue to circulate on one of the lines that make up the network, the A.
On the other hand, through the word underground it can be indicated to that which is under the earth such as a mine, a well of Water, among others.
So when place, channel or space that takes place under the ground is called underground.
And in the language popular, the word underground is also used to account for that which shows the characteristics of clandestine or hidden. A report television special denounced a network of prostitution clandestine.
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