Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
When we use the word fierce in relation to aanimallets express that the same is very fierce and dangerous being able to attack and devour its prey with a huge speed Y skill. For example, animals like the Wolves They are considered ferocious, even in the popular imagination it is the animal that we most quickly associate with this characteristic.
Wild beasts or ferocious animals are characterized by living exclusively in nature and in those habitats that are more comfortable for them due to their characteristics. It should be noted that ferocious animals, such as lions, even living in a captive situation, are not plausible domestication and that is why those who interact with them must do so with the greatest of cared for.
On the other hand, and taking into account the aforementioned reference, we also use the term fierce to designate everything that causes great fear or damage, such is the case of a natural disaster such as a tsunami, a earthquake or an event triggered by someone's inexperience or negligence, such as a fire.
The fierce fire swept away everything in its path.Also, we use the word as synonymous with the term cruel. Applied especially to an individual, the word cruel, will allow us to express that that person enjoys when others suffer for something and also when he causes them suffering. With that suffering, the cruel one, he feels bigger and more powerful.
For the cruel, there are no friends or enemies, but all are his enemies and if necessary, because they attack his immediate objectives, he confronts them with everything.
And in the languagecolloquial when someone wants to express something that is very big or tremendous it does so through this term. You had a fierce party, I congratulate you.
Another synonym widely used at the behest of this term is that ofwild, which refers to what is wild, which belongs to nature, which has not been the object of domestication and also to that or that which is violent and does not present either culture or education.
The opposing concept is that of harmless, because it refers to that or that which is not capable of generating any damage.
Themes in Feroz