Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The word faker is widely used in ordinary language when we want to refer to that person who pretends certain feelings or that it appears to be what it is not, for example that it is rich, when on the contrary it is absolutely poor.
Meanwhile, we also usually call the phony liar or deceiver. The opposite concept is that of honest , which precisely refers to that person who is transparent and upright in their actions.
And on the other hand, the word phony can be used to refer to that individual, usually an actor, who performs farces.
The sham is a play belonging to gender of comedy characterized by presenting a argument unusual but marked by reality, bordering on the grotesque, in which the characters move and speak extravagantly and strangely.
Despite this, the farce has a connection with reality that is precisely what makes it credible and will also allow the public to identify with what its characters propose.
Generally, they make harsh criticisms of society, however, the amount of humor with which it is represented and expressed makes that Criticism does not have an overwhelming and harsh impact on the viewer, even allowing everyone to laugh at a certain situation stereotyped. Precisely because of that quota of irony and criticism, the farce always turned out to be a challenge for any playwright, and of course, its satisfactory and successful handling meant a great value for the
Author in question.It should be noted that the farce has its origin in the Middle Agesand it emerged as an alternative to the boredom that in the most humble public the two genres that were dominant up to that moment, such is the case of the moralities and that of mysteries. By case it is that its beginning was marginal and it was associated with the lowest strata of society. On the other hand, the first farces very much addressed the religious question but from a position criticism, with which it was very resisted by those fervent religious who saw in it a clear expression lack of I respect to belief religious.
Also, the farce, he knew how to be the support of dramatic works, since they were performed in the rest spaces of the dramas, being quite brief due to this situation.
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