Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2011
The word feminine allows us to refer to everything proper or related to women, which is characteristic of themTherefore, when talking about something or someone feminine, it is because it effectively represents the inherent traits of femininity such as being: delicacy, sensitivity, among other characteristics that are normally associated with women.
Also, the word feminine is applied to refer to the being that is endowed with sexual organs and is plausible of being fertilized by another, by its opposite normally, which is the male.
While, on biology, the female is that sex that produces ovules; the ovum is considered the cell feminine sexuality par excellence and is produced precisely by women, generally, every 28 days, since the woman enters the stage of puberty and until approximately after the age of sixty, when the famous menopause arrives and menstruation ends definitely.
Fertilization process
Once the ovum matures in the ovaries, it continues its way to the fallopian tubes, if during that time the woman had sexual intercourse with the man is possible that the same one can be with the sperm, the masculine cells produced by the masculine sexual organs; when both are united, they form a zygote that will later become a new individual, after completing nine months of gestation in the female uterus.
The sign with which the feminine is symbolized worldwide is a circle fused with a cross at the bottom, which comes to represent the goddess of Venus with a mirror in hand.
The other side of the feminine, as we have already mentioned, is the masculine, which refers to everything that is characteristic or inherent to men.
Conditions that define femininity
Femininity, which is the word that designates the quality of feminine, has a series of intrinsic characteristics that allow us to recognize what is said feminine, and which are delicacy, softness, coquetry, curves in terms of the physical, to name some of the most outgoing.
Meanwhile, the masculine is defined with the opposite, the force, the virility, the manly, energetic, tough, among others.
For example, when a woman does not show or behave with the characteristics of her own gender, and even more, it is expressed closer to the qualities of the men that we just mentioned, we will speak of a not very feminine and quite masculine woman.
For most people, this gender-contradictory behavior tends to cause rejection and also astonishmentNow, there are also other individuals, especially men, who like women more who show a rather masculine and not so delicate behavior.
There will be men who like women to dress in skirts, be flirtatious, put on makeup, take care of their hair and everything their appearance in general, while there are men who are not interested in this and like women who are not flirtatious or delicate
But of course, they are tastes and there is something for everyone and it depends on the experiences and the way of being of each person in regard to this aspect.
In any case, we cannot ignore that the general of the people usually reject, be amazed, and even stigmatize to those women who appear physically and behaviorally with a rather masculine behavior than feminine.
Grammar: feminine gender that defines the words and people that belong to it
On the other hand, at the request of the grammar, the female gender is the one that will allow us to name the people who belong precisely to this genus, be they humans, animals or objects, that is to say, everything that is feminine, and wants to be expressed in sentences, must be accompanied by the corresponding gender to avoid falling into gender disagreements and forming wrong sentences; for example, Life is pretty is a correct sentence, whereas life is beautiful It is not, it is a jarring sentence.
Feminine Themes