Definition of Medieval Philosophy
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in Dec. 2014
The philosophy it is the science that enhances the value of reason as a vehicle for reflection on such important issues as happiness and human beings. The history of philosophy, like any discipline, can be studied in a certain historical context. Students studying Philosophy at university study philosophical history subjects. One of those subjects is Medieval Philosophy. This philosophy is one that is integrated into the Middle Ages.
Faith and reason, a fundamental debate in Medieval Philosophy
The essential pillar of medieval philosophy, one of the themes of debate and more important analysis is the relationship between faith and reason. From the point of view of some such important authors as Saint Thomas Aquinas, the light of reason is a means of knowledge other than faith that is also important to achieve certainties of faith. Medieval philosophy integrates the knowledge revealed through religion as a means of reflection at the human level to delve into God as cause of the universe, the human being as a being created in the image and likeness of God and happiness as a gift that is inseparable from the practice of good and
compliance of moral criteria.The proposal of Saint Thomas Aquinas
There are authors as important as Saint Thomas of Aquino that he elaborated his own proof of philosophical reflection as a means of demonstrating the existence of God from the observable. This test is known as the Five Ways of Saint Thomas Aquinas. From the metaphysical point of view, nobody gives what he does not have. That is, from the observation of the intelligence in the human being it follows that the Creator as the first cause also has intelligence. The fundamental object of study of medieval philosophy is God.
Analyzing the perspective of religion and the mysteries of life
A fact that parallels the rise of the Christianity. From this point of view, medieval philosophy considers religion to be an instrument that goes beyond what spirituality and provides information to understand the revealed mysteries and to be able to integrate these mysteries into knowledge philosophical. From this point of view, it is about maintaining a dialogue constant between reason and faith to establish bridges of dialogue and communication.
Medieval philosophy is one of the great historical periods in philosophy. Another mythical period is the history of Greek philosophy with authors such as Plato, Socrates and Aristotle.
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