Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2013
The term strengthen lets refer to the act of giving force to something or someone.
Force designates vigor and to Energy that someone has when it comes to moving something or someone from their place, especially when that something has of a really important weight that makes it necessary to have force to be able to move or transfer it. Or failing him when it comes to someone because that someone exercises a endurance remarkable that makes it not easy to remove it from a certain place or to carry out any action that you want it to do.
On the other hand, the word force It is also used to name the state of vigor of something or someone.
Always, force will provoke on the body in which an effect acts, highlighting the modification in the movement, on the velocity and in the form of it.
Individuals who practice a sport determined, depending on the demands that it implies, normally, they will have to undergo a training specific to some part of the body that will be precisely the one that is most demanded in sports practice. It will be essential that it is in optimal conditions to meet the demands.
For example, the athlete who specializes in to run You will be required to strengthen, give strength to your legs through various practices in training with the mission of getting an adequate response in the races.Also, this sense of the term is usually referred to in the aforementioned context as tone up.
On the other hand, if we go to another side totally opposed to sport such as spiritualityIn order for it to grow and have strength, it will be necessary to strengthen it also through special practices, such as meditation.
Meanwhile, the concept that opposes is that of weaken, which refers to the decrease in the strength of something or someone.
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