Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, on Sep. 2017
A person who has a tendency to suffer from cold is chilly or chilly. This adjective conveys considerable sensitivity to low temperatures. Those who have this peculiarity usually wear clothing and accessories that protect them from the cold.
In older people
Although cold affects any age, older people are especially sensitive. Its adaptation to low temperatures is greater for an obvious reason: the system of self-regulation of the temperature it stops working the same due to the aging process. On the other hand, the skin is less resistant and this produces a greater sensitivity to changes in temperature. Generally speaking, the elderly have a body temperature slightly lower than usual and this circumstance produces the sensation of cold.
In some cases, aging is accompanied by osteoarthritis and with this disease the sensation of cold is increased.
The feeling of cold changes from one person to another
In relation to temperature, not all people adapt equally to cold or heat. The chilly or chilly people are normally thin people with thin skin and low levels of body fat. This situation is not irreversible and the cold can incorporate a series of measures: 1) exercise periodically to activate the muscles and the
metabolism, 2) take food and hot drinks and 3) do not abuse alcohol.Both cold and heat are relative sensations. For this reason, we speak of the thermal sensation, which is the self-perception of body temperature. This sensation depends on the relationship between the heat it produces and the heat lost from the body itself. If the loser is older, the sensation is cold. If the body heat is greater, the sensation is warm.
The human body without clothes can regulate its heat emission if the ambient temperatures are between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. At different temperature levels, it is necessary to combat heat and cold with additional measures.
Alcohol and cold
The consumption of alcoholic beverages produces a vasodilation in the organism and this implies that the vital organs stop receiving the necessary heat. Consequently, drinking alcohol to combat the cold is a strategy wrong.
Photos: Fotolia - dikaya888 / viyada
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