Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Victoria Bembibre, on Feb. 2009
What is normally known as know-how refers to the capacity that an individual or a institution possesses to develop precise technical skills for specific work areas.
The term know how comes from English (knowing how or knowing how to do) and is directly related to technology since it supposes the idea of ​​possessing the necessary technical skills that are required in different areas, for example computing, the engineering, etc. It is also normally applied in companies in which it is necessary to possess certain knowledge and skills for some more specific positions, for example, the design of projects, the staff pick, working with groups, developing plans, etc. Many times, this knowing how to deal with the world business or in the field of technology, it is linked to knowledge not acquired academically but through daily practice and improvement. In this sense, the term know how assumes a certain level of talent and personal ability.
With regard to technology specifically, the notion of know-how is used more than anything in the sense of knowing how to transfer and / or handle equipment, programs and devices, formulas, designs and methods together and neat. The transfer referred to is one that happens at the national level as well as at the international level for which it is necessary to have the required skills and techniques. It can also be related to the correct use and organization of patents, codes and permits. related to the purchase and sale of technological material in accordance with the provisions of the countries and the
organisms international Know-how in this sense is used to protect material and private property of individuals or institutions when it comes to selling and trading technology products. Topics in Know How