Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2008
The law is a rule legal issued by a competent public authority, In general, it is a function that falls on the legislators of the national congresses of the countries, after discussing the scope and the text that encourages it and that must observe mandatory compliance by all citizens, without exception, of a Nation, because of the observation It will depend on these that a country does not end up turned into anarchy or chaos.
As I was just saying, since the purpose of the laws is to contribute to the achievement of the common good of the people who are part of a society organized under certain duties and rights, its breach, of course, will entail a sanction that can, depending on the importance of the norm that has been violated, imply a punishment of compliance in prison or the performance of some community-type work that does not entail the deprivation of the Liberty per se, but that must be strictly complied with, likewise, in order to settle the committed offense.
Laws were born with the objective of limiting the free will of human beings who live inserted in a society and it is the main control that a state has to monitor that the conduct do not deviate from its inhabitants, nor end up harming your neighbor.
Laws are the main source of rightand are distinguished by the following characteristics: generality, what I said before, that they must be fulfilled by EVERYONE, without exception; obligatory, assuming an imperative-attributive character, which means that on the one hand it grants legal duties and on the other rights; permanence, this means that when they are promulgated they do not have an expiration date, on the contrary, their duration will be indefinite in time until a competent body determines its repeal for some valid and previously agreed cause; abstract and impersonal, which implies that a law is not conceived to solve a particular case, but is moved by the generality of the cases that it can cover and finally, that it is reputedly known, for which no one can argue that he did not comply with it due to ignorance.
Also, a prominent feature of laws in modern states it is the absence of retroactivity; This means that their validity occurs from the date of promulgation and they are not applicable to events that occurred prior to the sanction. This resource prevents the arbitrary application of rules for punitive purposes, as can occur in totalitarian states.
It is emphasized that the laws actually require the participation of the three powers in the republican states: they are the parliaments (legislative power) those who make a law, the heads of state (executive power: president, prime minister) those who enact or veto that rule and the judges (judicial power) those who monitor its compliance.
In contrast, those norms that arise from the agreement between different nations do not bear the name of law, but rather it is preferred to call them treaties or conventions. Despite being considered as supranational legal entities, in modern democracies the totality of These agreements between countries require their approval by local parliaments in order to acquire force of law. In some cases, these types of pacts are submitted to a plebiscite to obtain the direct opinion of the inhabitants of the country.
As an interesting comment, the concept of law applies in other realms of human knowledge, as described for the laws of physics or chemistry that govern the elements, or the fundamental principles of arithmetic or algebra. These "regulations" are universal and, while they are unchangeable, they can be applied for the benefit of human progress. Many of these laws bear the eponymous of their discoverer or systematizer and are known by that nomenclature throughout the world.
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