Definition of age limit
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2013
The concept of age limit designates the maximum or minimum age, as appropriate, that is accepted for the realization of some activity or to access a certain benefit.
For example, in the contracts that are agreed with the insurers, this concept of age limit usually appears, since it responds to one of the conditions that are sometimes stipulated in the policies.
In personal risks, it is common for the restriction of the age limit to be considered and then the establishment It implies that the insurer will not cover certain situations or contexts if the person in question is not within the established parameters in terms of age.
On the other hand, in the scope of sportwe also usually come across this concept, especially in the regulations of some sports competitions, in which an age limit is established for the players who will participate in the same. That is, if the player is not within that established limit, he will not be able to take part of it, even if it satisfactorily meets the rest of the conditions, including the physical ones.
One of the most emblematic cases is in soccer, the competitions that classify as U20, U17, among other. The U-20 soccer world cup consists of a tournament from scopeinternational in which national teams made up of active players under the age of twenty participate.
In addition, there are a variety of activities that also impose age limits. Some teaching laws impose an age limit on people who want to deploy them. Normally it is imposed on those people who aspire to a first position or a module as holder.
In the activity of driving cars, although there is no stipulated age limit, the social convention establishes the limit to those cases in which the sight is no longer good as well as the reflections neither They are.
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