Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2009
The word limit according to the use that is given it has several meanings.
In general terms, by limit, any type of restriction, social, physical, legal, among others, that is imposed on someone or on society as a whole will be called..
For example, the limits of velocity that are usually established to travel along routes, roads or streets are one of the most common social restrictions with which people face almost daily. In many cases like this, the limits have the mission of organizing community life to avoid situations that lead to chaos. Let's imagine for a moment the non-existence of the aforementioned speed limits, it would be practically impossible to drive on any road, avenue without suffering some kind of accident.
The road speed limits, as they are formally called, are then the maximum and minimum speed limits allowed by the law at the time of the movement of vehicles by land. That is to say, whenever there is a speed limit, a maximum and a minimum will be established for driving on this or that road, highway, street.
The organisms of a legislative nature are those that are responsible for legislating on the matter and establishing those speed limits. Normally on the routes the maximum speeds allowed are higher than on the streets or avenues of a city.
On the other hand, in geographical matters, the term limit is used to designate that real or imaginary line that is taken when having to separate two adjoining territories. This type of limit is popularly known as the border term and is in formal terms that strip of the territory situated around international boundaries.
The border is where two different cultures are best exposed, since it is precisely in this area that both converge and there is constant traffic and social interaction.
The salient characteristic of the states is their sovereignty which empowers them to exercise their authority full on the territory in which they are erected. Meanwhile, so that sovereignty is not affected and is not complicated to other states is that defined limits are created on land, water and air. The border then is the exact point at which the limit reaches its end and is not only demarcated by land but also as we said in air and water.
A particularity of the borders as a consequence of the transit from one country to another that they allow is the presence of surveillance that the mission to control the passage of individuals from other countries, which is legal, let's say and also that goods or substances are not entered illegal.
Meanwhile, the limits can be of two types, geodesic, which are those that are supported by meridians or parallels. Or natural, which are those that occur as a consequence of geographical accidents such as rivers, seas or mountain ranges, among others.
Also, with the word limit it will be designated the top, the end or the maximum degree of a certain question. For example, when a stressful situation is repeated and repeated over time, causing serious disturbances to our tranquility and leading to a state of exhaustion, the expression which states that the limit of what normal patience can bear has been reached.
In addition, In mathematics we can find the word limit, since in this way it is called the fixed magnitude to which the terms of an infinite sequence tend or get closer and closer.
And one of the most regular uses of the word limit is at the request of areas such as psychology, psychopedagogy and sociology to designate that restriction, mostly associated with repression, although it does not necessarily imply something negative or violent but Rather, it is a psychological, pedagogical mechanism through which a parent, a relative, a teacher intends to impose limits to a child so that he understands for sure what is right or wrong or in his defect what is expected of 'role in this or that situation.
That is, the limit in this sense helps to inhibit those unwanted or deviant social behaviors, so that they do not become chronic and later, in the future generate serious repercussions in those who practice them.