Definition of Septenary Constitution
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jan. 2017
The human being can analyze from a biological, philosophical, spiritual or psychological point of view. These and other disciplines refer to man from a specific dimension. However, there are some approaches that attempt to explain human nature from a global perspective. One of these approaches is the Constitution Septenary, a vision proposed by the Russian philosopher Helena Blavatsky, one of the founders of modern theosophy.
General approach
The human being is something more than an individual of flesh and blood, since he is spiritually and energetically integrated with the universe. In this sense, bodily it is only a part of our individual existence.
exist blueprints different that interact with each other (what we are materially, our energetic part, the human spirit and our connection with the universe). This vision of the human condition is the fundamental axis of theosophy and, more specifically, of the theory known as the septenary constitution.
The septenary constitution of man is a synthesis of several traditions: Hinduism, esotericism, Platonism, Christianity and
psychology western.The seven principles that govern human existence
- The first dimension is Sthula Sarira or physical body, in which our most elemental vital functions are regulated.
- In a higher stage the body is in a higher material reality, known as Linga Sarira, also called astral matter. According to the Theosophists, this dimension of man is what makes it possible to explain phenomena such as clairvoyance or hypnosis. Linga Sarira becomes our duplicate as an individual (for a clairvoyant it is something visible but it is invisible for those who lack this power).
- Everything that exists, including us, is immersed in a higher organism, also known as Jiva. Thus, each being of this world (a mineral, a plant or a star) is part of a whole.
- The fourth principle refers to kama or desires. In other words, the set of sensations, emotions and motivations make up our human nature. This principle is the one that regulates daily life in the most direct and obvious way.
- The fifth principle or Manas refers to the thought human. It is the dimension that constitutes us as thinking individuals. According to the septenary constitution, the thinking self that we are has incarnated in a concrete body and, consequently, theosophy believes in the reincarnation of the human being.
- As a complement to Manas there is a sixth principle, Atma Buddhi or spiritual soul. Thus, we have an intellectual self and a spiritual self. The first thinks from human reason, but depends on the second, which is a universal principle.
- Finally, the Atman or real self expresses human nature in its pure state, since it is the maximum development of the conscience.
Photos: Fotolia - rms164 / ssstocker
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