Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Sep. 2011
The term immoral is used to refer to everything that which is contrary to the moral and to the good traditions, referring it to the absence of morals on the part of a person or group and that is manifested by some action or manifestation that gives proof of it. “Do not be immoral, dress a little more, you cannot present yourself to mass like that, practically without clothes, it is a behavior that does not correspond.”
That which is contrary or lacking in morals
Meanwhile, for moral It is called the set of beliefs, values, customs and norms held by a person or a social group and that function as a guide for their actions, that is, morality is what guides us human beings about actions that are correct or those that, on the contrary, are not and therefore are bad. Beliefs about the moral are generalized and are also encoded in the culture or social group.
Moral: set of beliefs and customs that guide the actions of man
Also, morality is identified with religious and ethical principles that a community agrees to respect whatever happens.
Then, immediately next to the concept of morality, two others emerge, which, each in their own way, assume the role of antonyms of the concept of morality.
On the one hand we find immoral, the concept that concerns us in this round and that supposes all that behavior, individual or action that violates their own morality, or failing that, the morality of the society or the group to which it belongs.
Of course, in the eyes of those who do respect the rules of the group and the community to which they belong, those individuals who do not follow the same guidelines for I respect he will be seen as immoral for not acting the right way.
Something or someone immoral is highlighted by the absence of a criterion or ethical condition, that is, with a series of established principles that are associated with the good.
Immoral: Reprehensible Behavior
Immorality is ethically punishable behavior and also condemnable by most of the world. society since it is absolutely installed the condemnation of immoral acts or of people who behave in a way immoral.
Societies are being built through guidelines that mark what is right and what is wrong and, for example, it is possible to take sides in this sense and qualify a person or act as immoral if it contradicts the conventional guidelines of the society they comprise.
Ethics and its influence in determining what is moral and immoral
Ethics is a part of the philosophy that has been addressing the issue of what is good for a long time, what is desirable for a society and differentiating it from what is not, and even more, intoxicating society with immorality.
Since the most ancient times, humanity wondered about what is right or what is wrong, what to do and what to do. that should be avoided, and so the issue began to settle and arise in various cultures and in different religions. In this way, philosophy put its focus to unravel this question and advance a definition that helps man in this matter.
Most of the looks concluded and agreed that what is beneficial to the people will be according to morality, while what generates problems and conflicts will generate an opposite situation.
Meanwhile, the other concept that is immediately linked to moral and immoral is that ofamoral, which because it is normally confused with that of immoral, it is necessary to highlight how the two differ, so as not to incur in incorrect uses.
The term amoral designates those people who lack any morals, therefore, they do not judge the facts their own or others as bad or good, or correct or incorrect, they do not directly believe in good or bad.
And on the other hand we cannot avoid that the concept is usually associated with sexuality, with an explicit manifestation of it and in public places, where people are supposed to behave in a correct way and without exhibitions, actions that they can do at ease and piacere when they are in the privacy.
Some terms linked to immoral are: indecent, dishonest, illicit, unscrupulous, immodest, licentious, obscene, shameless, lustful, meanwhile, the opposite concepts are, the aforementioned, moral, honest and virtuous.
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