Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2010
There is talk of shortage when a scenario of insufficient resources fundamental to satisfy the needs of an individual, a person or a wider group such as a society, a community, among others.
Insufficient resources
The shortage is the result of several factors that could be grouped into two categories, on the one hand, the increase in demand, and on the other hand by the decrease or depletion of sources or resources.
Within the first case we can locate the overpopulation or a significant increase in it in recent years, and the increase in capital power of the average individual, meanwhile, in the second group we find the production interruption as a result of some natural catastrophe or man-made disaster, and those significant economic changes that alter spending and consumption habits to the same extent.
Although, it is worth making some clarifications regarding the term since it can be used in a sense that account for the lack of what is considered necessary or insufficient in the way in which it is presents. For example: "
sadly, in this city there is a shortage of medical services.”Lack of the basics that prevents meeting basic needs
And on the other hand, scarcity can be used to refer to the lack of what is necessary to cover vital and primary needs such as dressing, eating, studying, receiving health care; somehow, in this sense it would be like a synonym of the word poverty.
“ Me family is going through a lean season, we don't even have to eat.”
Mixing resources or efforts when doing an activity or task
Also, the word is often used to refer to the pettiness of resources or efforts when carrying out a certain job or activity.
“Today Friday there is a lack of desire to work in the office.”
Putting it in simpler terms, this sense allows us to refer to the absence of desire to carry out an activity or task.
This situation may be due to the typical tiredness that is generated by having slept a few hours or having done it wrong, or because what is necessary doing does not awaken any attractiveness in the person, even more, it is so tedious and boring and that is why he will not put any effort do it.
When we like something, it interests us, it motivates us, the desire and efforts spring up everywhere, different and totally opposite is the attitude when this does not happen.
Biology: rarity of the species that demands special protection for them
On the other hand, at the request of the biology, when you talk about scarcity, you are actually referring to the rarity of some species.
Therefore, these rare species will enjoy the protection of the state in which they are found to prevent them from being depleted or extinct. Local, national and even international laws ensure the rights and protection of the aforementioned rare species.
Normally these rare species go hand in hand with the danger of extinction and therefore it is that they are demanded for their conservation and preservation that are cared for from the human plane but also from the authority corresponding to punish those who do not comply with their care and protection.
If there is a species that is about to disappear, the government must prohibit people from intervening irresponsibly, for example, by prohibiting and punishing the action of hunting that species.
Fortunately there are more and more conscience in this sense; the organizations defense of animals and also governments have taken note and letters on the matter and then have increased controls and increased penalties on this issue.
However, it is never enough and that is why the commitment of all is essential to guarantee the continuation of these endangered species.
We must bear in mind that they are necessary for the Balance and the health of the planet, and if we take care of this we are taking care of ourselves and future generations.
In any case, the scarcity informs us that many resources that are in our planet have an end, that is, they can be depleted if they are not cared for and managed in a convenient.
There are resources that have the quality of being inexhaustible while there are others, such as drinking water, that are running out.