Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Jul. 2015
Permanent combination of two or more words that make up a sentence and that has its own meaning that does not derive from the literality of the words that make up a sentence
At the behest of the grammar the permanent combination of two or more words that make up a sentence that It has its own meaning but that will not be the literal one of those words that make up the aforementioned prayer.
This then is the characteristic singular of the phrases, that the meaning does not come from the literal reference of the words that form it, but it will be necessary to know the general meaning of the phrase.
Types of voice-overs
According to functioning grammar that they have, we will be able to find different types of phrases.
The adjective locution that corresponds to an adjective, the adverbial that works as adverb, the conjunctive that corresponds to a conjunction, determinative, propositional, verbal, pronominal and nominal.
The phrases are widely used in our daily lives, probably, many times we do not realize that we are using one but we do it with recurrence.
For example, when we say goodbye or say hello to someone, we usually use phrases, among the most common are: good morning, see you later, see you, good night, among others.
Communicational activity that takes place on TV and radio and where the voice is the protagonist
And on the other hand we use the word locution in our language to refer to that activity professional, associated with communication, and that is displayed both on radio and television. Although we must emphasize that the locution was born with the radio boom, when television broke into scene, the profession also moved and made a strong foray into TV.
Announcer career
The individuals who develop it are popularly known as announcers and to be deployed as such they must satisfactorily comply with the corresponding studies.
Once they graduate, they receive a registration, professional card, which endorses them as such.
It is also a sine quanom condition that they have a powerful and well-formed voice.
In many countries, in order to protect the activity of the voiceover and that it is carried out by professionals, non-professionals are not allowed to mention brands or make the advertising of a product or service on TV or radio.
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