Definition of Secondary Education
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2013
The education high school is one of the pillars of formal educationalong with its predecessors: the early childhood education and primary, and the one that follows, the University education or higher.
Educational level after primary and before university and whose mission is to prepare the student for their professional future
Because it is, as we said, from the immediate level of studies to the university, high school, also known as Middle School, aims to prepare students so that they can access without problems to the university, which is definitely the body that prepares and develops the professional activity that each which one you choose.
But secondary education also has the mission, regardless of whether or not the student continues with a university career, to train the adolescent in various issues, topics, teach her values, and also skills so that she can function in a conforming manner in the society or community to which she belongs.
General characteristics
That is, high school must provide the student with general and basic knowledge that will of course be more advanced depending on of the primary contents, and of course, they will cover other more complex topics that in primary school age become difficult to assimilate.
Secondary education, in almost every part of the planet, is attended between 13 and 18 years and lasts for five years.
On the other hand, there are guidelines, such as bachelor, commercial and technical, which the student will be able to choose based on her vocation.
High school attendance is practically compulsory all over the world and the student must attend it every day, except for Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
Meanwhile, to obtain the passage of the year or grade, the student must complete the pass and the attendance of all the subjects included in the study program.
Oral or written evaluation is the extended modality used by teachers to reliably verify the effectiveness of the training process.
It should be noted that in recent years and as a consequence of the phenomenal advance that new technologies have experienced in society, secondary school places special emphasis on their dissemination and learning, without obviously neglecting basic subjects such as to be: math, literature, language, chemistry, physics, history, geography, among other.
The relevance of secondary education in the professional future
It is vitally important that students who successfully completed the primary education continue to secondary school, especially since it will allow them to access higher education with a adequate preparation, and also because in the stage of life in which it is attended, the development of personality of the person and it is relevant that this process of growth and passage to adulthood occurs in a framework of containment and learning that the school knows how to provide the individual.
On the other hand, at this moment in life the main definitions of interests and choice of vocations or future professionals are produced and at this point the Secondary education offers various options for the student to achieve greater certainties through the acquisition of specific knowledge and the development of aptitudes.
Therefore, secondary education must be promoted by the family and also by the authorities of a nation that wants to forge valuable citizens and prepared to develop successfully in working life during their maturity.
In some underdeveloped countries, unfortunately, school dropouts are very high, especially in the most deprived social groups as a consequence than in their families do not find the support and encouragement to continue in school to acquire the knowledge there that will open the doors to a better future; or also because many young people, faced with the economic needs they suffer, have to go to work and leave school aside.
We cannot ignore that also in the more prosperous classes and in the low ones there is dropout due to the lack of interest in school contents.
In this sense, it is important that governments design public policies on education that address this problem. punctual, encouraging students with educational proposals that adapt to current times, many times that lack of correspondence, the perception of old content, it makes young people do not commit or interest.
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