Definition of Preventive Maintenance
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2012
The one that concerns us is a concept that applies to functioning Y maintenance of equipment, meanwhile, preventive maintenance consists of those actions that are carried out to prevent cause problems or damage in the future in any equipment, machine, or device that is used for work purposes or domestic.
Maintenance performed on a machine to prevent breakdown or failure
The maintenance is the word that allows us to designate that activity from which it is plausible to maintain a product, a machine, a piece of equipment, among others, so that it works correctly, or failing that, which allows us to repair some of these if required, so that they can regain normal operation.
Mostly, all appliances, machines, machinery, devices, among others, need at some point in their existence to receive a maintenance, either as indicated, to ensure that they continue to function satisfactorily, or to repair any damage that has popped up suddenly.
There are a large number of contexts in which this concept is applied, and in relation to physical or virtual goods, among others.
For example, we can talk about the maintenance of a house, an artistic piece, a car, a system, an appliance, a program, and always, to guarantee maintenance as it should run it a professional suitable, that you have studied it and that you have plenty of experience in the.
Maintaining the machines used to produce is vital to business productivity
However, maintenance, without a doubt, is essential in those machines that are used at the request of the production of goods and services.
All the elements and tools that participate precisely in an economic production process must be controlled periodically because the productivity of the company in question.
When a machine that produces this or that product breaks, income will be directly affected. economic of the company because it will not be able to continue producing the same quantity since there is a machine broken.
In other words, we do not have to wait for a machine relevant to our work to break to go and fix it, we have to carry out maintenance, such as preventive, to ensure that it is always working properly and that we do not suddenly find ourselves with an untimely breakdown precisely due to a lack of maintenance in this sense.
Unfortunately this happens a lot in small and large companies, and also at the domestic level, delaying a maintenance of some equipment to save money, so as not to spend more, however, that can turn against us when in the absence of maintenance the machine is breaks.
Surely in that instance, the repair and revision will cost us more than the realization of a preventive maintenance.
The technician is in charge of carrying out this action
Meanwhile, whoever carries out the activity of maintaining or correcting failures that may arise in equipment or machines is popularly known as mechanic or technician and it should be noted that in order to carry out his activity, he must have a deep knowledge of the parts that make up the artifact or apparatus in question and also of its operation.
There are two types of maintenance, the maintenance of conservation and update maintenance.
The one of conservation It is intended to compensate for the wear and tear suffered by the equipment as a result of the passage of time; and that of upgrade for its part, it has the objective of counteracting the passage of time in technological matters, that is, it will try to aggiate it so that it can satisfy current needs.
Meanwhile, within the first we find the Corrective maintenance and with preventive maintenance, which is the one that we will deal with next.
Thanks to preventive maintenance it is possible to guarantee the proper functioning of the equipment since this type of maintenance deals exclusively with carrying out the pertinent inspections and repairs that prevent the device from breaking down.
In other words, its main mission is to mitigate possible failures.
Difference with corrective maintenance
It differs from corrective maintenance, precisely because it keeps the device running, while corrective maintenance repairs the device that stopped working.
And within maintenance we can find three modalities: programmed (the review is done by time); predictive (it deals with determining the precise moment that the equipment will need to be revised, therefore, the maximum use time is predicted); and of chance(It is done taking advantage of those moments in which the equipment is not used, thus avoiding taking it out of activity).
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