Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Jul. 2009
If we take the concept of 'mortality'As a characteristic of existence, we must define it as the necessarily opposite of life. Mortality is the condition of being mortal, therefore, of being susceptible to the death. However, the term mortality is in most cases related to applied statistical studies on populations. Mortality then appears as a number that seeks to establish the number of deaths on a population determined.
The rate The mortality rate commonly taken by statistical studies is that which establishes the number of deaths per thousand inhabitants within a more or less determined population. Usually, this percentage is the result of studies carried out or observed over a year. According to the parameters that are elaborated to know the mortality rate of a population, a high mortality rate would be considered at that which is greater than 30% of that population, while median mortality will be that which is between 15 and 30% of the total number of the population. Finally, a low mortality rate is always less than 15%.
Throughout the planet, mortality rates are highly variable and while we find regions with rates of extremely low mortality, we can also observe populations that have mortality rates close to 30%. The developed and First World countries are obviously those that have the best living conditions per inhabitant and therefore have the lowest mortality rates in the world. In turn, a large part of the African countries have the highest mortality rates on the planet.
In this sense, it can also be considered as one of the most important elements of statistical and demographic studies to the rate of Child mortality. This rate produces a percentage of the kids less than one year dead for every thousand children born alive Undoubtedly, the study of infant mortality allows us to know about the basic living conditions and basic of a region since a high infant mortality number will be telling us about the lack of elements such as hygiene, healthiness, nutrition, attention sanitary for that range of inhabitants.
Issues in Mortality