Definition of Geological Engineering
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Nov. 2013
The geological Engineering is a branch within engineering that is dedicated to attending and solving all those issues directly or indirectly related to the geological environment and its interaction with the human being, that is, it is the subject of this specialty to study all those factors geological that participate or have an impact, either in the building, the location and the design engineering plans, as well as the resolution of issues inherent to the environment.
Geology is the discipline that deals with the comprehensive study of our planet, that is, it studies the subjects that make it up both inside and outside, the mechanism of its formation, the alterations that may have occurred in its origin and its states current. That is, thanks to geology we obtain substantial information on the past of our planet, for example the climates that existed ago. long, long ago, but also today thanks to geology it is possible to successfully carry out exploitation oil company and
mineral as well as the evaluation of the water resources underground in a particular area, among other issues.The professional who is dedicated to this area of ​​engineering is called geological engineer. The study and the course of this career will take place at the University and normally involves five years of study; In the first years the student will learn in depth the basic subjects of engineering and geology and then he will deal with their applications.
Among the various job opportunities that the career offers are: participating in the foundations and design of containment structures; intervene in the treatment and in the introduction of improvements to a plot; design of anti-earthquake structures; recover contaminated water, among others.
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