Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Jul. 2015
When we consult a dictionary we frequently come across a circumstance: there are words that have more than one meaning. Each definition is a meaning and the fact that a term has several meanings is known as polysemy. This clarification serves to introduce some of the different meanings of the verb pawn: to persist in something, to give the word or to leave something in deposit.
A tenacious attitude
Stubborn people are those who hold their ideas firmly or are very persevering and fighting. The individual stubborn He does not give up easily and it can be said of him that he puts a lot of effort into what he does. Thus, striving is equivalent to striving in what one does. Engaging in something means adopting a determined, energetic and tenacious stance.
Give the word
Although today it is a concept that has largely lost its meaning, in other times giving the word meant that someone was committing to another person. His word amounted to a pact written or a contract. In this way, it was possible to reach an agreement through the word. In that context, it could be said that the word was insisted. Thus, pawning the floor was a matter of honor and, therefore, not
compliance what was agreed was a disgrace. Let's see this idea with a concrete example: a person commits himself to his neighbors in relation to something he wants to do. In this situation, whoever assumes the commitment can say "I promise my word and I tell you that I will try with all my might".Pawn something out of necessity
In many countries there are establishments in which money is lent to someone in exchange for leaving an object of value (for example, a jewel) on deposit. These types of operations are carried out in what are known as pawn shops. The objective of pawning an object is to obtain a loan with speed. To recover the object it is necessary to return the amount received through some type of agreement (normally a fee is agreed to be paid periodically). Do not forget that the commitment of certain objects of value is an alternative to the sale of the same, something that many people try to avoid because some valuables also have a sentimental component.
Pawn shops function as an alternative to banking activityconventional and in times of crisis or economic instability, these types of establishments proliferate in most cities.
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