Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, on Jun. 2013
The word in love we use it to designate that person from gender female who feels love for another individual. It should be noted that the love that the woman in love feels is linked to what passionate, romanticIn other words, it is the love she feels for a couple, her husband, her boyfriend, her fiancé, among others.
To the state or appearance of the feeling of love in an individual is popularly known as infatuation. Meanwhile, it is characterized by the presence of a marked joy, caused precisely by having found a couple with whom to share moments and also manifest through the body, caresses and kisses, all the love that they feel.
Usually, a person in love begins to feel first for her love a intense attraction physical, which then leads to personal attraction and increases in intensity when the feeling is reciprocated by the loved one. Meanwhile, when both lovers agree in their feelings, they usually enter into a love relationship that is popularly known as courtship and that if it prospers it can even reach the
marriage and the decision to form a family with the person you love.A person in love is easy to recognize because it will manifest certain actions and behaviors such as: desire for intimacy and union with her love, desire to be reciprocated by the other, he constantly thinks about his loved one, lack of concentration from being all the time thinking about him, idealization of his person, among others.
It is worth indicating that love presents physical reactions, that is, love begins in the brain and from there it passes to our endocrine system from where it sends physical responses and changes in the hypothalamus as a consequence of the segregation of the hormone of dopamine.
On the other hand, in the language colloquial we also tend to use the word extensively to account for the extreme fondness that a person experiences for something, an activity, for example. My cousin is in love with tennis. In every free moment he makes a getaway to play it.
The concept antagonistic the one we are dealing with is that of indifferent because it stands out precisely for not showing affection, interest, or preference for anything and anyone.
Themes in Enamorada