Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2017
The word comes from the English language which, in turn, has borrowed it from French. Remember that in French engage means commitment and that this term can be applied to any context in which a person feels emotionally linked to someone or something. In this sense, the engage artist is one who does not limit himself to capturing his art in an aesthetic way but also actively commits himself to ideals.
In business communication strategy
Companies need to project themselves on social media in order to attract their customers. One of the objectives to be achieved is precisely engagement. In this sense, it is that a client feel connected and attracted to a certain brand. For this to be possible, the company must promote that the client is passionate about a brand and not just a consumer. As a result of the idyll generated, customer loyalty to the brand is consolidated.
To achieve better engagement in social networks, commercial brands establish some strategies: try to users share content, communicate the values associated with the brand itself or convey ideas with a load emotional.
The level of commitment is measurable
In the field business there is the so-called engagement ratio. This ratio is obtained from a specific formula and allows knowing the interaction of users with the social networks of a brand. It assumes a value that represents the percentage of users who have been interested in a certain content.
The exact formula would be the following: add the total number of interactions, the number of likes and retweets shared, and the number of comments or responses; the total amount earned is divided by the number of impressions of the post. After this division, the quantity is multiplied by 100 and in this way the ratio is obtained. Obviously, this value is very important to know what type of strategy from communication it is adequate.
In the field of Human Resources
Employees who are firmly committed to their tasks and to the goals and values of a company will be more productive and effective. Therefore, engagement is the level of individual commitment of all those workers that make up the staff of a company or a institution.
A committed employee has a series of characteristics: he cares about his work, he feels valued and respected and he considers that he is part of a draft interesting. In this way, the engage employee is not limited to complying with a obligation and a schedule but performs his duties with passion and Energy.
Photos: Fotolia - kaninstudio - blossomstar
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