Definition of Food Engineering
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2015
Food engineering intervenes and takes care of giving food a longer shelf life
Food engineering is a branch of engineering that deals in a very excluding of the food that people ingest in our daily lives, that is, those that make up our diet.
At present, traditions food changes with respect to the beginnings of humanity and this had to do largely with the innovation that technology and scientific discoveries imposed on the food industry and that they ended up making it more complex and diverse.
For example the development and invention of processes such as pasteurization, vacuum sealing, freezing, among others, have generated that the products that are created with diverse raw materials of animal or vegetable origin can be conserved for more weather. In other words, technology and science have advanced so that the food obtained from the fields and from animals will last us longer.
Meanwhile, food engineering is fully involved in this aspect of giving food a longer useful life and for this it is that it deepens knowledge such as chemistry, physics and
biology of food and its raw materials.That lasts longer and does not lose its essential properties and nutrients
The fundamental mission of food engineering is that the food in question lasts as long as possible, that is, that its expiration date is far in time with respect to the time of purchase, and that at that time the food does not lose a single nutrient.
The processing that is given to certain foods will be decisive in its quality end and also in what has to do with the loss of nutrients essential. Because if the processing failed or was not carried out properly, the food will not have good taste, for example, it may be damp or have directly lost its nutritional value, therefore the attention of engineering is essential in this phase.
Improve food, which does not lose quality in the process of elaboration to which they are subjected and at the same time take care of the reduction of costs with regard to processing and transfer, and the corresponding care of the environment, are the basic concerns of this branch of engineering and the professionals who perform it, who are called food engineers.
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