The nouns They are the class of words that give names to things: people, places, objects, animals, concepts. For example: Flor, Farmacia, Flamenco.
The syllables that begin with F are usually accompanied by the five vowels or by the consonants L and R.
Nouns can be:
Fabrica | Fiction | Fotography |
Fabula | Fideality | Freading |
Facility | Ffever | Frapberry |
Facture | Filadelfia | Fstale |
Faccord | Filmoteca | Fscratch |
Fallo | Filomena | Frase |
Familia | Fin | Freindeer |
Fatima | Ffinal | Frent |
Fand | Finitude | Fhangover |
Fage | Fphysical | Fritual |
Federation | Flan | Frivolity |
Felicity | Florero | Frontera |
Feminence | Fburbot | Fillustration |
Femur | Fgoose | Fsource |
FestÃn | Folclore | Function |
Festivity | Formulary | Funeral |
Fibra | Fbear | Futbol |
Animals with F
Countries and cities with F
Professions with F
Names with F
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