Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Aug. 2010
Is named exile to the abandonment of a person from the land in which they live, meanwhile, the aforementioned item may be voluntary or forced, this last case is popularly known as expatriation and generally the reasons for it turn out to be politics. “Juan had to face a very painful exile that lasted almost two decades.”.
Abandonment, usually forced, that a person makes of their homeland for political or religious reasons
On the other hand, the term is also used to refer to the place where the exile resides as well as the time spent there. “It was during his exile that he produced most of his literary work.”.
Although it turns out to be the most common, not only people go into exile but there have also been cases of nations and exiled governments, such are the cases of Armenia, between the years 1078 and 1375 and Tibet, respectively.
The question politics It is undoubtedly the reason par excellence for exiles and is always associated with a totalitarian exercise of power, a dictatorship, systems in which which power rests with a single person or group that exercises it in an autocratic way without restrictions or controls of other powers at its disposal. action.
On the other hand, the religious issue must also be mentioned because at some moments in history, the faith that someone professed was also the object of political persecutions and led to thousands of people having to leave their homeland because they were marked by the authorities for the religious faith that they expressed.
Save the life
The primary purpose pursued by a person who suffers persecution of some kind in his native country, for his ideology, due to his religious beliefs, among other reasons, when he decides to go into exile, it is to save his life, put himself to safety, avoid death, both his own and that of his family, since normally the threat of damage extends to the entire family group. That is why it is normal to find that entire families went into exile.
One of the most recent events in history that produced huge numbers of exiles was the Second World War and what left it.
Wars and dictatorships, causes of exiles
In time, with the Nazis and Communists in power, there was a cataract of exiles in many, many countries. In some cases, subjects who had both an active political life and an intense militancy in political parties made the decision to go into exile to save their lives, and those of his family, who were in some danger if they remained in the country that was dominated by a force politics antagonistic to his thought.
And in other situations, such was the common denominator in the Jewish community, some people had to leave their countries of origin. because the community to which they belonged began to be harshly persecuted by the Nazi regime, to name a generator of exiles.
One of the most famous exiles of this time was the German physicist Albert Einstein, who had to go into exile in the USA when the Nazism.
Meanwhile, another historical event much closer chronologically to our days, is the 1976 coup, which took place in the Argentine Republic, which also left a significant number of citizens of the country exiled abroad, who sought with this decision to escape a violent and intense political persecution of part of state terrorism, which implied torture, kidnapping and imprisonment for those citizens who did not share the proposals that the military regime in power supported.
Spain, France, Mexico, Uruguay They turned out to be some of the places that more Argentine exiles received during those times, finding among them many personalities from culture, politics and art.
In most cases, once the totalitarian regimes that generated exile and established democratic governments, various programs were promoted whose objectives were the repatriation of the exiles.
In the case of many artists and intellectuals, exile, even if it was where it is analyzed, a very sad and tragic fact that He made him leave his roots and his affections in an untimely way, it also meant openness and knowledge of his artistic works and literary in other parts of the world, especially in the one that opened the doors to reside and continue with their life and their work.
Because that is precisely what most of the exiles did, they continued their activities and many of them managed to gain an important space in the nation who welcomed them, and the moment they were able to return to their homeland, some did, others did not, but those who returned to their country they always maintained constant contact with the nation that adopted them in such a terrible moment of their lives.
But we must also say that just as the host country for exiles added talents at the time, the homeland that ordered the exile of intellectuals, artists, researchers, among others, undoubtedly lost a great cultural heritage and scientific at that time, which of course is irreplaceable and irretrievable.
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