Definition of Philosophical Doctrine
Miscellanea / / November 13, 2021
By Maite Nicuesa, in May. 2015
The philosophy it is one of the most important humanistic disciplines. The history of philosophy is not only composed of authors who left their thought in the history of knowledge.
Philosophical thought is also composed of philosophical doctrines, schools that reflect the fundamental teachings, and principles of concrete doctrines of thought. Each philosophical doctrine has specific philosophical postulates.
Philosophy schools
Every doctrine supports its thinking on specific premises that are the basis of a philosophical thought. In the history of philosophy there are different philosophical doctrines: Plato's idealism, idealism transcendental Kantian, the Aristotelian realism that is continued by Thomas Aquinas, the enlightened thought of Rousseau, the rationalism Cartesian, Hume's empiricism, the positivism Wittgenstein's logic (they are some of the most important).
Philosophical doctrines through which it is possible to travel through time to travel through history through one of the essential ingredients of the human being: thought and its ability to know the reality.
History and thinkers divided into schools
The history of philosophy and the different philosophical thinkers that can be classified in the context of a school or concrete doctrine shows how exciting the history of human knowledge is.
In relation to the philosophical schools, the most important thing is analyze always the thought of an author starting from himself in order to understand it objectively. There are people who look at the history of philosophy as a history that shows the constant differences of opinion of the philosophers.
Know the history of knowledge
This vision is partial since the most intelligent at the level emotional and vital is to value each teaching valuable contribution an author. Obviously, it is human that each person can feel more identified with a specific thought. For example, a researcher who is pursuing a Ph.D. in philosophy at university tends to choose as his study author a philosopher whom she truly admires.
On the other hand, it is also very important to analyze the thinking of an integrated author in a context cultural and determined temporal since the time in which a thinker lives also influences his thinking and the way he interprets reality.
Philosophical doctrines integrate the most notable thinkers of these schools of thought.
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