Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in May. 2014
The concept of proceedings It has several uses in our language, however we must emphasize that the most widespread reference is the one that arises in the judicial field and that says that a file is a document in which a series of actions and documentation related to a judicial case are brought together in a chronological and orderly manner.
As soon as an individual, a company, among others, initiate a claim through the courts to another or others, it is common for different presentations to be generated and also demand the presentation of various documents inherent to the cause and that will help to sustain a demand for example. Meanwhile, everything that is carried out in relation to that cause will be incorporated into it, file, and by case it will be a very clear and fantastic guide when it comes to knowing the details of the case in question.
The file in this sense, or rather its review, will allow us to know the progress or stagnation that a judicial presentation may have.
Lawyers, managers or also the individuals involved in the case may access it to have knowledge of all the actions that were carried out.
It has also become common for journalism specializing in police cases to consult and access, sometimes in an unofficial way, the files for later report to the public about the details and events that arise around a case of high exposition in the media.
That is, the file in these cases is an excellent source when it comes to knowing details about a case, by reading it one can obtain accurate and also official information about a theme.
The files are stored and archived in special places destined for this purpose and obviously have elements, such as numbers that facilitate their recognition and search in a file.
Meanwhile, when new technologies were so emphatically installed in everyday lives, They also did it in this context and that is why in some cases a file can be consulted Web way.
On the other hand, the word file is used to name that document in which information about an individual is gathered, for example, an employee, a student, and then if you want to know something specific about it you can consult it.
And in some work spaces, the file is a document that is opened in the event of an irregular situation carried out by an employee. Thus, if the employee If you commit a serious offense, a file will be opened and you will have to answer for it before the authorities. Depending on the seriousness, the final action may lead to your dismissal.
Issues on File