Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Dec. 2014
The term of spoliation It definitely does not enjoy a common and fluent use in our language since its reference is usually expressed through other words that are very popular, such is the case of: robbery, theft, usurpation, fraud.
Then, when it is spoken in terms of plunder, that it has been suffered, it will imply that an individual or a group have appropriated something that belonged to them and that they have done it through a methodology virulent and unjust, which did not correspond at all with what the law proposes.
So, basically, whoever perpetrates a plunder or is dedicated to plundering what he is doing is stealing what belongs or is property of other. Most of the time this type of action is carried out as we have already indicated with violence because there is usually endurance by the owners of those assets that they want to plunder, or failing that, it is also common for damage to occur in the take action since sometimes it is necessary to break or damage the private property in question in order to actually carry out the plunder.
Thus, a thief who intends to enter a house to rob must force the main door or entrance to be able to enter it in effect. It is also common for window glass to break or other accesses to homes or private spaces that are intended to plunder.
Plundering of course is classified as a crime against private property and as such has a pain, a punishment, in the current criminal laws that justly punish crimes against the heritage alien; seize the property of another with the mission of achieving an economic profit, selling them, for example, in those cases in which material goods and not money are stolen.
It should be noted that in addition to the penalty or punishment for seizing what is not theirs, the person who perpetrates plunder is also plausible of receiving a punishment because of the violence that he exerted during the proceeding of the appropriation. As is normally done with violence, at the behest of criminal proceedings, this is also taken into account.
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