Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2010
None is a term colloquial used in the language Spanish to refer to that act of ignoring or canceling the presence of another person. The idea of ningunear comes from the word "none" which also means "nothing". None, therefore, is nothing more than acting as if there were no one, as if the space were occupied by no one. Is attitude It is common when two people argue or confront each other and one of them (or both) resolve to act indifferently towards the other and to simulate their non-existence.
The act of none, however, is not equal to a simple act of indifference involuntary. The ninguneo is specifically planned and carried out, and always involves a certain hint of contempt or contempt for the other person because it seeks to let him know that he does not exist. It is not the same, then, not to notice a person accidentally perhaps because there are many other people in the same place, than to notice them but to act deliberately as if they were not there.
The action of ningunear can also occur in other ways in which indifference is not present, it is that is, through aggressions that belittle the person, their achievements, her interests, their ways of opinion. None can also mean detracting from it, leaving a person in a bad way or making a person look bad in front of others. In other words, ninguneo is a form of aggression which usually does not imply violence physical but verbal and even psychological because it is about doing everything possible so that the person attacked feels belittled, attacked and underestimated at many different levels of their personality. While physical violence can be much more painful at the level bodily, the verbal violence That the act of neglecting someone may involve can also truly affect the person on a psychological level, especially if the neglect is continuous.
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