Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Florencia Ucha, in Oct. 2011
The expression I love you is one of the most popular and used expressions in the language current and whose main reason for being is to let someone, a family member, a friend, a couple, how much they love and appreciate it.
Although its use is more widespread at the request of the love Passionate that individuals feel for another, it is also frequent that we use the I love you to express all our love to a brother, a mother, as we indicated above. But yes, always, love will involve a feeling huge affected for with another.
So, whoever loves, who feels love for someone will use this popular expression, whose simile in the English language is I love you…
Meanwhile, love is defined as a set of unconditional and disinterested behaviors and attitudes that are manifested among beings who have the ability to develop emotional intelligence. With this we want to express that not only human beings are capable of experiencing love but also love. feeling is plausible to be experienced by other species, such is the case of dolphins, buts, horses, cats, among others.
The psychology, discipline that by pre-eminently dealing with man and his mind, he has also devoted himself to the knowledge of love, since it is one of the feelings most common that man experiences throughout his life, highlights three components of love: passion (state that supposes an intense desire for union), privacy (feeling that will promote the desire to be close to someone you love) and commitment (essential element for love to last).
Themes in Te Amo