Definition of Rorschach Test
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Javier Navarro, in Nov. 2017
In the field of psychology All kinds of tests are used to evaluate different aspects of the human being, such as the intelligence, the motivation or memory. If it is to evaluate the personality, one of the most used and recognized is the Rorschach test.
Fundamental idea of the proposal
With this kind of evaluation it is intended to have a global idea of the individual's personality. From images with an undefined appearance or with the shape of a spot, the person who observes them has to interpret what he is seeing in them.
The observer projects her ideas and feelings on the images and said projection allows the psychologist to have an assessment of the personality type of the individual evaluated.
Those who use this technique in the field of psychology affirm that when someone observes an image ambiguous and without apparent meaning puts your mind to work to provide meaning to what is observing. This implies that when someone is asked what he sees in a spot, his answer will express how he sees himself.
In the development of the test it is important that the individual who observes the images honestly expresses what comes to mind. On the other hand, it is necessary that the interpreter of the test is a person with specific knowledge about this type of evaluation.
In short, this test expresses what an individual is like based on what he sees and interprets in some images.
A tool that revolutionized psychodiagnosis
The creator of the test was the Swiss psychiatrist Hermann Rorschach, who around 1915 became interested in the new trend in psychology, psychoanalysis. This psychiatrist showed a series of plates with strange stained drawings to patients with mental illnesses, who expressed their ideas and evaluations about them.
This new technique became a very useful instrument for psychodiagnosis, which is a discipline of psychology that focuses on the study of human behavior. Through it it is possible to describe the psychological characteristics of individuals.
Other personality tests
The personality test measure a number of variables, such as social skills, degree of responsibility, neuroticism, predisposition to change and other vital attitudes.
The 16PF5 test allows you to measure personality by studying aspects such as abstraction, sensitivity, daring, emotional stability or self-control.
The MBTI test is used to identify the inclinations and preferences of the individuals studied.
Photos: Fotolia - YakobchukOlena / Dule964
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