Concept in Definition ABC
Miscellanea / / July 04, 2021
By Cecilia Bembibre, in Dec. 2010
The concept of ownership can have two or three different meanings but that, ultimately, refer to the same thing: the possession of that which gives us power over a specific element or object as well as over a situation or a position.
We can start by stating that the concept of ownership is the one that is used very frequently in the world. labor. This is so since in the present the possession or not of a job position, of a job It depends largely on the possession of a title related to the activity to be completed. This title represents the dedication and commitment of the person in the realization of a race that qualified him to carry out that position or that activity. For example, when one studies a teaching career, it is the teaching title received at the end of it that enables the person to perform as such. That title is considered to be the conclusion years of training Y preparation specific to the individual.
But in addition, the idea of ownership also has to do with the official and not temporary possession of the position. Another clear example of teaching is that of the substitute or substitute teacher who only replaces the incumbent for a more or less determined period of time. The titular teacher is the official for that position. This same situation is repeated in all work environments, it can even be observed in the
sport when talking about a starting or substitute player.Finally, the notion of ownership is also linked to the possession or not of certain assets. Owning something, for example a property, means having legal and official possession of the property. itself, for which a property title is drawn up that establishes the necessary data to confirm that possession.
Issues in Ownership